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Global Green Recovery Collective

encouraging partnerships and collaboration on green recovery initiatives around the world

currently in development



A website that aims to facilitate the creation of collaboration and partnerships around the world on issues of green recovery and environment activism. A network of individual and organisations with a shared goal of rebooting our economy, society, government in a way that is sustainable, just, healthy and resilient for the safeguard of our planet. An index of initiatives, and the people behind them who all strive to make our planet and it's inhabitants healthier. 


There are a lot of excellent websites out there about green recovery, but none are built to facilitate communication and engagement with people doing the same thing around the globe. That's what the almni of the University of Cambridge MPhil in Conservation Leadership (my clients) are trying to accomplish. The collaborative is about connecting, creating bonds and parterning, that will hopefully inspire, inform and reform our way of thinking. 

My Role

My role was/is user experience alongside lead ux specialist Iris Livneh and designer of the user interface.

Understanding exactly what the team needed, what was their vision. Guiding them to achievable goals and helping them prioritize. Taking their vision and creating wireframes that reflect the scope of their aspirations. I also designed the logo and finally the whole ui of the site.

The process

When I came on board the project, the clients only had a vision, of some kind of platform on which users from around the world would connect and share ideas about how to challenge the way we do things now. It was as if they were asking to establish a global underground group of environmental activism. Iris and I started a process of editing and prioritizing their goals, into something that didn't feel overwhelming.

We started out with a simple users questionnaire to get to know their users. After that, we asked them to focus on a goal and specify how it would be reached. With every zoom meeting their big idea started to take shape and Iris and I could work on taking that big idea and turning it into a user flow, a site map and finally into wireframes. 

Frame 20.png

User research and persona

We started out with a simple questionnaire for our potential users. Iris Livneh and the clients designed a questionnaire to establish a persona. 


  • The site should offer an opportunity to discover and connect with ‘Green Recovery’ efforts that are taking place in your community, nation, or region

  • It should be a place to connect and form collaborations, partnerships, or coalitions with other people, groups, and organizations leading ‘Green Recovery’ efforts in order to increase impact for change

  • There should be a list of upcoming activities

  • There needs to be a way to learn how to take action on different green recovery efforts

  • It should also be a hub for general information (i.e. list of current ‘Green Recovery’ initiatives, articles about raising awareness, integrating policies, alternatives to ‘business as usual’ practices and systems)

project page persona page.png

Other websites

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Organizing the information

After getting to know the user, we started to organize all the information into a user flow and site map. The clients wanted to feature two types of information, one which was knowledge based and the other that was action oriented. We decided to catalogue the information into what we called 'initiatives'. The knowledge based initiatives became learning initiatives, and the action oriented became action initiatives. 

We decided to keep the two types of initiatives (action oriented and knowledge based) together in one page (like in a e-commerce site) and differentiate between the two types using a simple ui badge, that way, all the information is in one space, and can be easily scanned. 

Draft Green Recovery site map.jpeg

image: Rosalind Helfand


Action initiative sheet.png
initiative sheet.png
discussion board.png
blog, testimonials and stories.png
Event page.png

Two types of initiatives 

action initiative

Encourages users to act. These initiatives need your engagement to reach their goal. The user has a chance to act and be part of something.  

learning initiative

These initiatives are informative. There is no need for action in these initiative, they are there to provide expertise and knowledge on a specific issue. 

Initiative card design



option 1 - selected

option 2 

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Easy access to events

interactive map of all the initiatives around the world with clickable tooltips 

Search Initiatives

explore initiatives.png

Filters to easily find what you're looking for

okavango delta.png

Action Initiative page

This is a template where many other organisations can feature their initiative. They have an opportunity to add some visual aid, and provide all the information they want to feature. The yellow banner is the CTA, and the focal point of the page, designed so to enable the user to act. 

african union renewables.png

Learning Initative page

Also a template page for initiatives who only wish to offer information. The design is simple, less engaging and focused around making the information accessible and comfortable to read, with a section designated for downloadable documents. 

okavango delta.png

We decided to design a section displaying the people behind the initiative and enabling the user to reach out to them. This is one of the ways we designed the site to encourage communication and collaborations, by having a face (or a few) right under the CTA banner, it gives a sense of who the people who need help are. It created intimacy and transparency.

Contacts for every action initiative

Registration process

By registering to the site, you can get access to other members and experts. Users also have a chance to become experts, and offer their expertise to other members and users. Members are free to join, and experts have to be vetted by the client. 

User Dashboard


Search experts to connect with

After becoming a members, you can find other members and experts and easily see their areas of expertise and information. That way you can find the right contact to share and inspire one another. 

experts list.png

All saved events end up here. Users can set a reminder, share or delete an event. 

discussion board.png

If users have taken part in a discussion board, the discussion board will appear here. Users will receive a notification whenever a new comment has been added. 

More pages

Discussion Boards

discussion board.png

The client wanted a place where members could engage and talk about green recovery and environmental issues. So I designed a discussion board, where they start conversations and discuss. 

News and Events

News and Events.png



Event Page

Event page.png
Event page.png

Add to your account and get notified

Blog Post

blog post.png

Client Feedback

Dana Dellus-Neeman is an exceptional UI/UX designer who made it possible for our global team of environmental professionals to realize our dream of an ambitious and innovative web platform that will help facilitate a "green" economic recovery.

Dana is expert, thorough, and has a wonderful ability to combine beautiful design with functionality. She's guided our team through each step of our development process, including: conceptualization, interface design, aesthetic and logo design, and determining how best to identify and meet the needs of our audience.

She's incredibly focused and has a strong vision as well as excellent communication skills, and works perfectly with our geographically and ethnically diverse team to balance our needs and understand our goals. She is also highly professional while being personable, diplomatic, and solutions oriented. We highly recommend her!

Thank you for reading


Next project: Sorcerer's Apprentice

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